The last news on eedomus are here!

28 November 2014 :
The eedomus team is pleased to announce its new gateway: eedomus+
The eedomus team is pleased to announce its new gateway: eedomus+

21 October 2014 :
eedomus is at the Broadband World Forum 2014
eedomus is at the Broadband World Forum 2014
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I activated your box a week ago. Congratulations for the ease of access.
Have a good day and thank you again. This automation gateway is a pleasure to use everyday.
I congratulate you on your box, I’m new to home automation and it fulfills all my expectations!
I have to purchase the box eedomus and I consider its features are really impressive.
Practical guides

2 November 2016 :
Control your floor heating with eedomus
Control your floor heating with eedomus

22 October 2015 :
Test of power rate tele-information module from GCE Electronics
Test of power rate tele-information module from GCE Electronics

24 May 2015 :
Computing sun position on eedomus
Computing sun position on eedomus

20 April 2015 :
Retrieving of EDF electricity pricing information using eedomus
Retrieving of EDF electricity pricing information using eedomus

1 January 2015 :
Intelligent Light management on eedomus
Intelligent Light management on eedomus
Access to the entire list of guides
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